Sunday, November 27, 2005

On Becoming a Better Fan

I have a suggestion for you sportsfans out there, and Packer fans in particular -- stop being such a fan. People who care so much about a particular sports team get very depressed when their team loses. I remember the Packers in the '70's, with Jim Del Gaizio and Jerry Tagge and Scott Hunter, and they used to drive me crazy. Sundays were bad, with the feel-bad loss hangover extending for another day or two. I eventually figured out a way to be a happier fan. The answer is really quite simple. When your team is doing well, enjoy it. When your team is losing, ignore it. I was as happy as any fan when the Packers finally won another Super Bowl in 1996, but I don't pay all that much attention now that they suck. A sibling, who shall remain nameless, lives and dies by the Packers. I bet he's not feeling too good today. My approach is much more conducive to maintaining happiness. Let the good times roll, and the rest roll off your back. Join me. You'll feel better.

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