Thursday, March 23, 2006


Hitchcock's The Birds becomes reality

A flock of crows is attacking residents of Warwick, England. First, the crows were targeting cars, scratching them up and tearing off windshield wipers. Now they've reportedly moved on to humans. Colin Wilkinson, a conservation officer with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, suggests that people "protect themselves by wearing hats" and not leave any food scraps around. From the BBC News:
"It is most unusual for these birds to do this, (Wilkinson said.)

"Attacking cars occurs from time to time but graduating to attacking humans is more rare.

"It is hard to explain except if it is an instinctive reaction to someone who is close to what they regard as their territory."

He said it was the time of year that crows would be pairing up, building nests and laying eggs.

"It simply might be that they are being more aggressive at this time of year, that is the most likely explanation," Mr Wilkinson.

Except that it's England, a .410 ga. shotgun is very effective...
Even cooler, Catholics and Pagans fighting.
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