Thursday, March 23, 2006


Way to compare apples to ice cream.

1. We actually went after the people behind Pearl Harbor and brought them to justice. As for the people behind 9/11... Osama bin who?

2. The Nazi's began an imperialistic march across Europe; we came to the defense of invaded countries. We did that to Kuwait in the Gulf War, attacking an aggressive regime. However, at no point in WWII were any of our actions preemptive.

3. FDR Lied? Please, PLEASE show us when FDR claimed Nazi Germany was behind Pearl Harbor. Bush and Cheney did try to draw that connection (Iraq - 9/11), and Cheney to this day still alludes to it.

Your hatred of liberals is so blinding it is like you are speaking a different language based in another dimension.
It's a spoof, Wisconion guy, chill out a bit. Yes, this is absurd, as is all of the "Bush Lied" bullshit propaganda. Get it? Sorry for getting all over-sophisticated on you, and thanks again for caring.
I think the Mr. Pibb and Red Vines went straight to my head that day.
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