Sunday, April 02, 2006


The 3rd Annual Modern Drunkard Convention

When: Friday June 23rd through Sunday, June 25th.

Where: The Celebrity Ballroom, Las Vegas, NV.

What to Expect: Three solid days of heavy drinking and full-bore entertainment.

These people seem to have something going on, so I plan to attend their convention and find out what it is. In our moralistic times, it's comforting to know that the Modern Drunkard still has a place to go in our society. Unashamed revelry and binge drinking -- although we must never admit this to our children -- have been key ingredients in some of life's most interesting moments. Let the good times roll, let them knock you around, and all that.

Something is achieved if you celebrate the cocktail hour that is missed by those eating tuna fish hotdish while watching the Wheel of Fortune. Something is lost to us when we step back and decide that going out and getting wasted might not be all that productive. Admittedly, there are side effects and consequences, but I'm glad that at least a few hardy souls are still willing to celebrate Bacchus and the good, good times.

Live all you can, it's a mistake not to. And I'll see you in Las Vegas and at the Inflation Fighter.

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